Would you love to have your own website?

With a BIZZY MARKETPLACE page you can:

Open Your Own Store


Now you can open your own online store!

Easy to Set Up

Sell your products using our pre-made template.

Safe and Secure

Our unique program allows girls to only sell to friends and family using a private seller code. Selling to customers who don't have your code is possible at your discretion.


Share Your Community Project or Charity


Do you do anything for your community?

Tell us!

Do you work with a charity or have you started your own?

Showcase Your Cause

Are you or your friends working on something that could change the world?
Share photos and info about your work on your very own page.

Raise Money

Sell products on your page to raise money for your charity or community project.

Opening a BIZZY MARKETPLACE Page is Easy!

Just 5 Easy Steps

1 Register your email.

2 Fill in your membership info.

3 Build your store or community page.

4 Decide how you get paid. (Stores only)

5 Start selling or sharing!

All BIZZY MARKETPLACE Pages Require a Membership


First 60 days free with code BG60. Limited time offer.
Cancel anytime at staff@bizzygirls.com.
Includes website hosting, sending traffic
to websites, monthly biz tips and a
special member's only newsletter.



This must be completed by someone 13 years or older.